Working Paper 01
Ibrahim Khalil, Umar Nadeem
This working paper aims to analyze the policy direction for one of the foremost priority areas of the government – housing. The flagship Naya Pakistan Housing Programme has been conceived to make available five million housing units primarily for low-income groups over the next five years. Policy and institutional design to deliver on this rather aggressive and ambitious agenda will require a middle-out approach. Local past failures and international success stories have much to offer to inform robust policy and administration in this vertical. This paper presents an analysis of the housing market at present. It then highlights two major pitfalls that must be avoided: low-rise urban expansion and fizzling out of the envisaged housing finance uptake. Finally, calibrations to the policy focus that can prove critical in achieving intended outcomes are discussed – these are urban planning reforms for high-rise housing, affordable housing obligations and a tailored financing framework for middle-income groups.
You can read the complete Working Paper 01 here.
Ibrahim Khalil is responsible for project financing of residential real estate construction for one of the premier real estate companies in Canada and has an experience of investing in and
managing residential real estate in US, UK and France.
Umar Nadeem is a policy and governance advisor, and has worked in Asia, Europe and Africa on public sector development. His areas of expertise are governance, service delivery, and digital government. He is a graduate of the Lahore University of Management Sciences, and holds a Master of Public Policy from the University of Oxford.
Responsible for project financing of residential real estate construction for one of the premier real estate companies in Canada and has an experience of investing in and
managing residential real estate in US, UK and France.